Tuesday, May 29, 2012

T-Shirt Not Ironic Insists Chunky Michelle

First Lady Michelle Obama denies her t-shirt (pictured above) is being worn ironically.  The design, a red slash across a fat woman's body, is meant seriously as a teachable moment, said the chunky-thighed, junk-in-the-trunk FOTUS.

"I am not fat," she stated, "and I'm in better shape than all of you'll.  Irony is for white people, anyway.  Black folks don't play that.  I'm on my way now to my organic garden.  Better not let me hear you mention my weight again.  Hear?"


  1. Yeah, especially since her thighs have been photoshopped to look bigger. Y'all seriously need to get a life! Look up the real picture on google!

  2. And, she is NOT wearing that symbol on her t-shirt- also photoshopped!
